VIDA / Santangiolina Latte

Duration: Ongoing.
VIDA is a 36-month European project funded by Horizon 2020 INNOSUP Programme to support the potential innovation in SMEs (small and medium- sized enterprises) working in Europe in the food sector and interested in a more proper and efficient use of water, food, energy and key technologies for innovation (KET). As part of this project, ENERSEM won a demonstration voucher to develop a prototype software that helps optimizing energy efficiency of a food company through data analysis, thus establishing the related best practices in terms of efficiency.
ENERSEM proposed to Santangiolina Latte to test this software at its dairy plants and to become one of the leading sites of VIDA project, as the company was already sensitive to better resource management. In 2018 in fact, supported by ENERSEM, Santangiolina Latte decided to focus on a very high efficiency solution for the new Grana Padano warehouse’s air conditioning system:

  • centralized refrigerator with high efficiency, even at partial loads;
  • management of the cooling unit with variable temperature, to optimize performance in all climate conditions;
  • optimal sizing of utility exchangers;
  • free cooling system of warehouses;
  • heat recovery and integration with serum heat recovery system.

This project was awarded by the VIDA project and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no 777795. 
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